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Harrison Muecke, MBA

Supply Chain Manager
Harrison Muecke

Harrison Muecke brings over a decade of dynamic leadership experience to his role as Supply Chain Operations Manager. His primary focus encompasses crucial aspects such as Purchasing, Projects, Inventory Management, and Vendor Relations, ensuring seamless operations within the supply chain.

A specialist in Leadership Development, Team Building, Continuous Improvement, and Strategic Planning, Harrison’s expertise lies in creating environments that foster growth, efficiency, and innovation.

Harrison’s professional journey is marked by versatility, having led teams across diverse industries. He has excelled in E-Commerce, Visual Effects, and Software Development, applying his strategic vision to each sector.

Armed with an MBA with an emphasis in Finance & Supply-Chain from Arizona State University, Harrison’s academic foundation provides him with a robust understanding of the financial intricacies that underpin effective supply chain management. Additionally, he holds a BA in Telecommunications from Pepperdine University, a testament to his comprehensive knowledge base.

Harrison balances his professional achievements with a dedication to a healthy lifestyle through fitness, a love for golf and home improvement projects, and a passion for fine wine. In his personal life, Harrison cherishes quality time with his wife, son, and two dogs, highlighting his balanced approach to work and life.